Do you suffer from under-eye circles (dark circles) and/or puffy eyes? Worry no more!

There are so many chemically-derived products out there that promise to get rid of these issues. But isn't there a more natural way to reduce the appearance of these common eye issues? YES!
All you need?
- an ice tray
- water (tap, filtered tap or bottled it's all the same)
- q-tips or toothpicks
- a few drops of lavender oil (not necessary but can be really soothing)
Fill your ice tray with water either half-way or to the brim. If you are using lavender, drop a few drops of the oil into each compartment. Freeze in a freezer until liquid is only partially solidified. Place one toothpick or q-tip (whichever you chose) into each section then place back into the freezer. Freeze until fully frozen.
When you wake up in the morning, take out two of the cubes from the tray. Using a circular motion, glide the ice over your puffy eyes or dark circles. The cold temperature from the ice will soothe the irritated area and reduce swelling of the eyes. It will also calm the dark circles and make them less visible. Another great fact? The cold temperature will awaken you even more and it's a great way to start the day! Using lavender? That will calm your senses and rejuvinate you on those tired, lazy mornings!

All you need?
- an ice tray
- water (tap, filtered tap or bottled is fine)
- q-tips or toothpicks
- green tea leaves (1/2 cup)/ bags
- small bowl (if using tea bags)
Fill your ice tray half-way with water. Sprinkle loose tea leaves into each compartment to fill the rest of the area. *IF USING TEA BAGS: Cut open the tea bag with clean scissors or rip the bag open with clean fingers. Dump into a small bowl then sprinkle the leaves in just like said above. Freeze the ice in a freezer until partially frozen. Place a toothpick or q-tip in each dome and then let freeze completely. Once frozen, take out two cubes from the tray (you can use the others later!) In a circular motion, glide the ice around the puffy eyes/ dark circles to relieve the irritation and drowsy appearance. The green tea is full of antioxidants and will soothe as well as heal your irritated eyes with every day use. Another great fact? The ice is so cold that it awakens your eyes making you appear more awake and the green tea is soothing to the senses!

All you need?
- an ice tray
- kettle, pot or teapot
- water (tap, filtered tap water or bottled is fine)
- a mug
- green tea
- q-tips or toothpicks
- green tea leaves (1/2 cup)/ bags (if desired)
- small bowl (if using tea bags)
Bring water to a boil using either the kettle, pot or teapot. Pour hot water into a mug. Steap tea for about 4 minutes in the hot water. *IF USING TEA BAGS: Cut the bag with clean scissors or tear the bag open with clean fingers. Pour the contents into the hot water and steap for 4 minutes. Pour the liquid into the small areas of the ice tray. Freeze until half-way frozen then place the toothpicks or q-tips into each compartment (one per section). Allow to freeze completely. In the morning, take two ice cubes out of the tray carefully. In a circular motion glide the ice along your puffy eyes or dark circles. The ice will soothe any irritated skin while the green tea (which is full of antioxidants) will soothe and heal the areas. Another great fact? The small pieces of leaves in the ice will slowly be left onto your skin as the ice melts. These are great for antibacterial purposes and will rejuvinate tired eyes!
I hope that my tips will help you achieve a more awake appearance as well as help to relieve the irritation of dark circles and eye puffiness!
- E